February 05, 2017

The Printing Press

Watch this video carefully and then find a bit more on Johannes Gutenberg and his achievements. Make your comment around the importance of the Printing Press to the modern world.


  1. After hours of hard work Johannes Gutenberg ended up revolutionizing the world of the company, fortunately through the ages and with the evolution of technology, what before took immense time to be imprecise and in small amount due to the long period of time that it took now and simply Because the company has a very important role in the times of today. The undertaking we give to know all the type of news that is occurring week to week, day to day or until minute by minute, from her we have access A News national, international, local and regional, Economy, Science, Culture, Technology, Sport, Tourism, Automobiles and fashion.

    Joana Silva

  2. The printing press was invented over five-hundred years ago and was the first step in the transformation of social literacy.
    The first type of printing press was invented by Bi Sheng. Nevertheless, Johannes Gutenberg is commonly credited as the inventor of the movable printing press, because he improved the original one in the XV century.
    For thousands of years, all works in the history of human writing could only be copied by hand or by inefficient forms of block-printing and time-consuming processes.
    The printing press dramatically reduced the time and expense of copying works. The expansion of access to information influenced every major cultural and political revolution for centuries. Religious philosophy like the protestant reformer Martin Luther, were able to shape the history of the Christian religion through the sale of hundreds of thousands of copies of printed work.
    Printing press is also significant scientific development as scientists can both educate and learn from international community through publication.
    The printing press is so important because it makes the mass production of printed materials possible, and lead to much wider dissemination of knowledge and literacy.

    Mariana Fernandes
    10ºC Number 16

  3. In 1455 the German inventor Johannes Gutemberg created one of the greatest contributions to the modern world. Typography allowed the texts, previously manuscripts, to be printed from the elaboration of types, movable letters produced in copper and placed in a lead base where they received the ink and were pressed into the paper.
    In this way, the "press", as the invention of Gutembgerg became known, began to influence the production and dissemination of knowledge, contributing to a greater development not only of literary production in Europe but of metallurgy and paper production.
    Rita Carvalhana
    10ºC Nº24

  4. Gutenberg was the second in the world to use mobile printing, around 1439, after the Chinese Bi Sheng in the year 1040, and the global inventor of the mobile press.
    The media are important spaces for power, debate and mediation of conflicts. The press focuses on the capacity of communication institutions and technologies and plays a role in the democratization of society. It is the creation of a public sphere through which people can participate in civic affairs, the valorization of national and cultural identity, the promotion of creative expression and dialogue. Thus, discussions about the various forms of media censorship and ownership have always been part of the press.
    Ana Costa
    Nº2 10ºC

  5. As a social animal, we give a lot of importance to good communication with other individuals, and that good communication gives a great amount of knowledge. But first we must consider what we think as "basic knowledge" ; the ability to read and write ; that the schooling which gave this tuition wasn't fully available to many in Gutenerg's time.
    The process of the creation of the printing press, gives us a lot of insight of how much importance we gave to knowledge and learning, and making sure that books were available in great quantities in a short period of time not only to the church but also to individuals with a lower economic status then the wealthier classes in this period of time. Gutenberg also demonstrated that a printed text was as satisfactory as a hand written text.
    At a social level, Gutenberg revolutionized politics, religion, and the mentality the society at this time, by inspiring a layman named Martin Luther which then published half a million copies of the bible translated into German, making individuals decide between revealed truth and false allegations made by the church. This caused a intellectual "boom" as society grew more literate. Likewise with science, Gutenberg reformed the study of metallurgy, and the future of mechanical engeeniring.
    This was followed by the creation of news leaflets by kings, emperors and free cities to distribute news faster which resulted in the first ever weekly newspaper in 1659, and as time went by printing presses powered by steam engines appeared in the 16th century. Later on we started using color in our newspapers.
    Therefore, in conclusion, the invention of the printig press by the great Gutenberg made a turnover and a base for the future of our technological, social, and economical advances.

    Paulo Oliveira Reis; No 20; 10 C

  6. This video shows how books are important.
    When the books appeared only a few people could read or even have a book but Gutenber with his inventions he got everyone to have access to the books wich helps to pass the knowledge through the books.
    Also shows that a book doesn't have to be just letters but it can also have pictures.
    Books are na importante part of our lifes in order to have more knowledge of everything.
    Nowaday books are a most importante "tool" in our life.

    Patrícia Conceição
    10ºC Nº19

  7. The press With Gutenberg's invention Was known'went on to influence the prodution and dissemination of known'ledg 'contribuing to a further develoquente not only of the paper productions. The press has Been very important to the modern World because it allowed the texts before they were done the Hand began to be printed. Besides also contribute to the rebirth of culture and urbanism. The press is also a form of protest among other things. Edson moreno n28_10c

  8. The creation of the printing press is a remediation of numerous previous print technology shifts.
    The printing press gave writing a consistent look and feel. Prior to the invention of the printing press individual scribes would hand write the text leading to inconsistent writing and grammar. However, the mechanization of the printing press achieved more regular spacing and hyphenation of the print.
    With the invention of the printing press, better quality of books were published and since they were able to be mass produced, the expense was reduced, making books more affordable to the general public.
    The printing press had a positive impact on educational practices.Printed book was a new visual aid available to all students and it rendered the older education obsolete. The book was literally a teaching machine where the manuscript was a crude teaching tool only.
    The printing press transformed learning. It transformed the relationship between teacher and student and the way research was undertaken. Previous relations between masters and disciples were altered. Students who took full advantage of technical texts which served as silent instructors.
    In the new print era, scholarly writing came to be viewed as authorship of original material, and scholarly reading came to mean the gathering, comprehending, and making use of information from a variety of sources, thus laying the basis for modern scholarship.
    Printing press technology altered education by making available books that provide a new visual aid to learning. Additionally the printing press served as a catalyst for many world movements and events by providing an effective way to disseminate political and religious views. Today our society is in the midst of another technology shift that is transforming education. Five hundred years after its invention, the printing press can help us understand the growth and impact the Internet on literacy, knowledge and democracy.
    Nuno Monteiro, nº18, 10ºC

  9. The printing press wwas invented by johannes guttenberg in 1440.Guttenberg developed a complet sistem of printing press, which perfected the process of printing press.
    The printing press spread all over decades for more then 200 city's.
    Guttenberg used matirials like lead,tin and antimony to produce books printed with high quality. Guttenberg used a special matrix to allow a quick modeling. Guttenberg also introduced an oil paint which is long-lastingthat the usual watter paint used before.
    As time passes by the way of writting changed, and nowadays we use computers which makes it more easy.

    Adriana Verde nº 1 10ºC

  10. This video shows how much has evolved over time the printed.
    In the old days monks and priestes had books to read but Gutenberg in 1450 invented the priting tecnique to duplicate books.
    With the appearance of the first universities, libraries was founded for common people can read and the easy way.
    Later Gutenberg began writing the bible in Latin and inserted drawings in which his production was a success.
    And with the evolution of the books there was an appearance of the first newspaper in 1650.

    Patrícia Conceição
    10ºC Nº19

  11. Johannes Guttenberg changed the orinting press world,he was the main revolutionary character of printing pressnot only for a revolution in the production of books, but also for fostering a rapid development in the sciences, but also in arts and religion, through the transmission os texts.
    It was due to Guttenberg that the printing press tecnic was perfected, using metals like lead, tin and antimony used to production of books, which were printed with high quality.Guttenberg also intruduced a new oil paint which is more long-lasting than the regular printing press paint with watter base.
    Concluding in my opinian the development of the printing press tecnic was very important because it was through it that was the quicker developement of science, arts and religion, through the transmission of texts.

    Angélica Sousa nº4 10ºC

  12. Johannes Gutenberg with a little bit of hardwork invented one simple machine that revolutionized the Print World.
    It helped so much in the XV century as writers spent months and even years to write a book.
    When this invention was created it helped economize time.
    With that said, with a simple invention it can change the world.
    Rodrigo Bento nº26 10ºC

  13. Johannes Gutenberg was born in the German city of Mainz around 1398. He was a printer and publisher, who introduced printing to Europe in 1439. This invention started the Printing Revolution and is widely regarded as the most important invention of the second millennium.
    This revolution enable some illiterated people learn how to read and write, because the number of people with access to books increase.
    To me, printing press was a necessary invention, because if we do not have this now, probably the number of illiterated people would be a catastrophe.
    To sum up, Printing press invented by Johannes Gutenberg was a huge contribute to fight against illiteracy and it was the first step to printing press in this days.
    Guilherme Caetano

  14. Johannes Gutenberg was born in the German city of Mainz around 1398. He was a painter, and publisher who introduced printing in Europe in 1439. This invention started The Printing revolution and is widely regarded as the most important invention of the second Millennium.
    This revolution enable some illiterated people learn how to read and write, because the number of people with access to books increased.
    To me, Printing was very important, because if we do not have this now, the number of illiterated persons would be a catastrophe.
    To sum up, printing press invented by Johannes Gutenberg was ab huge contribute to fight against to illiteracy, and also a big step to we have books.

  15. The press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in 1455, where it had an importance for the modern world. Before this creation, the people who made the books took years to copy the texts, so Johannes Gutenberg invented the press, which had many contributions such as the invention of a mobile type mass production process, the use of oil-based paint and the use of a wooden press similar to the agricultural screw press of the period, which allowed less time to be able to make the books and pass the manuscripts.
    So being the press as it became known, it had an impact on production and a larger development in which it spread rapidly throughout Europe and later around the world.

  16. The press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in 1455, where it had an importance for the modern world. Before this creation, the people who made the books took years to copy the texts, so Johannes Gutenberg invented the press, which had many contributions such as the invention of a mobile type mass production process, the use of oil-based paint and the use of a wooden press similar to the agricultural screw press of the period, which allowed less time to be able to make the books and pass the manuscripts.
    So being the press as it became known, it had an impact on production and a larger development in which it spread rapidly throughout Europe and later around the world.

  17. The hardwork of gutenberg have brought to us the printed media and this invention is one of the most important to us because it´s the beginning of the era where everbody is informed but unfortunately the printed media is started to be replaced by the online media wich is a way we can be informed without buy a newspaper in a kiosk we just have to go to one website and see the latest new.
    I personaly think the printed media is very important to us and offer to us very bennefits but i think it´s time to a change and end up with printed media and start with online media because it´s more economic and saves a lot of paper.
    Manuel Soares aka "o aluno mais bem comportado da sala de ingles" nº14 10ºc

  18. Johannes Gutenberg was the second person to discover the press, from there the press became well known. The breakthrough came your change the way of living of the people and the way of working in schools. People can access but easily the information and news today for example, through newspapers and schools due to the press, usually every student has a book, what used to be rare to happen. In short, if the press hadn't been discovered, our way of life was quite different. In my opinion, the press is very important in our lives, because it facilitates a lot of our days.
    Inês Jesus N10 10C

  19. Johanes Gutenberg was born around 1400 in Germany and died more a less 70 years late.
    When he was a child, he loved to read. At this time, the books were very expensives and weren’t accesible to everybody. They were handwriting by monks in the monasteries and it took years to be completed.
    Gutemberg worked as a jeweler. He learned how to make molds to fuse gold and silver, what allowed him later to make molds with the letters to print.
    In 1434 he went to Strasburg, where he remained for some years, returning later to Germany.
    After a few attempts, in 1450, Joahanes revolutionazed the press, after obtaining a way to print and duplicate books.
    He used movable types made of metal alloy where the letters were in relief. He also used a wooden press where he put the movable types in the right order to write the quote. The ink was black and they used whiteegg to gave shine.
    The combination of this elements allowed the production of mass printed books, which became more profitable.
    His biggest work was “ The Bible”. Books became accesible to more people and libraries start to emerge. They have also been used at schools.
    This kind of print,were quickly spread for europe and later for all of the world. It suffered a few changes till nowadays, but it were the basis for the prints that we have today and that allow us to acced to past and actual knoledges of the society where we are living.
    Joana Catarino
    10ºC Nº13

  20. At the time of Johannes Gutenberg many people could not read or write.
    With the existence of the printed led to a way of exposing images, texts and the handwriting by monks in the monasteries.
      The way of knowing this technology evolves quickly and expand to the first impressions with interest in the information of texts.
    Books have become essential and important for ordinary people and society has become more literate shows a greater custom of reading. My printed opinion has shown a great change in the world forever as books so stresses that learning is worth it.
    10ºC Nº17

  21. When German craftsman and inventor Johannes Gutenberg introduced the printing press in 1439, he opened the door to a social revolution.
    He invented a practical movable type of printing. He made metal mould sinto which he could pour hot liquid metal, to produce separate letters. These letters were more durable than wooden blocks. Such letters could be arranged and rearranged many times as the printer wished. He also had a hand press used in wine making. The very first book Gutenberg printed were copies of the Bible.
    Through this invention, affordable publishing was now possible, leading to the development of the Renaissance and Scientific Revolution. It improved the spread of knowledge and information.
    For the first time in history, ideas were put in the public's hands. Studies used to be elite information, then the access to literacy opened a portal to modern thinking and education.
    It also have facilitated the Protestant Reformation, propaganda posters allowed reformation ideas...Without the printing press Martin Luther's writings would not have reached a wider audience.
    By 1500, presses were operating in 245 cities, from Stockholm to Palermo. By 1500, over 20 million books had been printed – one book for every five people living in Western Europe. Literacy rates climbed as book prices fell. No previous invention in human history had spread so far, so fast.
    Printed information caught on quickly as a method of communication.
    Offset printing, continues to be one of the most commonly utilized printing methods today for newspapers, magazines, books and other printed works. Today we consume books, magazines, newsletters and other sources of the printed word.
    Gutenberg’s printing press revolutionized the world.

    Pedro Silva, 10ºC Nº21

  22. Johannes Gutenberg was a German blacksmith, printer and publisher borned in 1398. His invention, the Printing Press, is considered one of the most recognized and revolutionizing inventions of the second millennium. It consisted in the development of a complete printing system by adapting the existing printing technologies as well as making groundbreaking discoveries of his own. Among his many contributions to this innovation are the use of oil-based ink and adjustable molds. Additionally, he found the inspiration of his discovery in agricultural presses which prevailed in his period.
    In 1439, he became the first European to take usage of the movable type printing press, contributing to the Printing Revolution.
    This mechanical machine was a device used to apply pressure on an inked surface in order to transfer the ink into a printing surface (usually paper or cloth). Its main purpose was to produce books at reduced costs so that they could be acquired by everyone. This way, illeteracy levels were forced to go down, since more and more individuals were able to afford books to achieve a higher level of knowledge.
    Nowadays, we can still verify influences of such press. For instance, newspaper offices rely on state of the art presses to print thousands of newspapers to satisfy the population's needs in terms of being informed about current issues. Also, our home printers were inspired in Gutenberg's invention.
    On the whole, I believe that if Gutenberg hadn't come up with such breakthrough, we would still be living in a society where illeteracy was its major concern. However, Johannes managed to find a solution to fight this issue. As a result, he revolutionized the educational system.

    Tomás Santos "Calhau" Moreira aka "Catota"

  23. Johannes Gutemberg was born in 1398 and died in 1468, at approximately 70 years. Gutemberg was the one who gave the press revolution, wich was the most important event of the modern period. Gutemberg was also the second to use the type printing.
    For me the print media is very important in the modern world, because nowadays people are increasingly trapped in technology, doing everything based ob technology, and newspapers are, for example, a good way for people to begin to depend less and less of technological devices. In print media the news are always complete while in the online news you have to pay a higher price than the newspaper.
    Gabriel Figueiredo n°8

  24. The press is one of the most important inventions and transformations for the world we know today. The press began with Johannes Gutenberg, but quickly ceased to be as Johannes Gutenberg created it.
    The press is a suprendent and important medium of communication and beyond. That is what makes us today have the schoolbooks we have to study, magazines and newspapers, which we read for pleasure to inform us, with the widest variety of themes, the book we read to fall asleep.
    This medium of communication when it first emerged was a great turning point in the history of humanity and culture. And so we can not take the credit for Johannes Gutenberg because it was the face of this cultural revolution.
    This cultural revolution has given people insight into books, news, and with this has made people more informed. And with this give your opinion more correctly, and make better choices.
    The press these days is losing influence and importance, and in the near future faces great challenges. In 1010 there was a press, little innovative, slow, repeated. But in today's world one wants an innovative, fast, varied press. And even now the press, you have to face the digital, the press is not going to disappear, that's right but in two centuries it may be of insignificant importance, because digital has an innovation, a form, totally different. But this is also happening with TV, radio, and so many other media.
    A little Curiosity tells the story of the press: «The term press comes from the mobile press, a graphic process perfected by Johannes Gutenberg in the 16th century and which, from the 18th century, was used to print newspapers, the only existing journalistic vehicles. From the middle of the 20th century onwards, newspapers also began to be broadcast and broadcast (radio news and television news) and, with the advent of the World Wide Web, also came the online newspapers, or cyberjornais, or webjornais. The term "press", however, was retained from the wikipedia.

    Prepared by: Pedro Pragosa 10ºc nº23

  25. In my opinion, society has evolued in the way of coexistence. In the old days we used to speak face to face and not the front of a screen. Nowadays the older ones say that the younger ones are lazy and they are constantly in front of computers. They say this because they don't realize what technologies are and how they work, since they have different points of view, due to the so called "generation gap". The younger generation has adapted to technologies, contrarily to the older generation. If we want different generations to respect themselves mutualy, we need to treat everybody right no mather their understanding level when it comes to technologies.
    Miguel Rosa 10ºB Nº18
