May 15, 2017

The Generation Gap Today!
Are Millennials The Worst Generation Yet?
by Raenetta Robinson, Feb 24, 2016 // At Hampton University

"Back in my day..."

Words that somehow open a portal, transcending vivid moments of childhood, and earlier years into clearer view. A simple phrase, with the ability to open a can of worms, comprised of opposing notions and thought-provoking conversation. A conducive idiom that lets you know, 'right there, is where you went wrong,' and even if you were unsure of your offense you were definitely about to find out.
Blame evolution for this generational gap. It’s a social problem uncapped. I understand that things were harder back when you were growing up, and I may slack off a little too much for the fraction of work that has been duly laid in my lap. However, I did not ask to be born in a time flourishing with golden opportunity, and egocentric people.
You must understand this generation has a new responsibility to the Common Era. The social political climate of this world we live in has changed, and you must rearrange your ways of thinking, so that we can all be on the same page. We just want to redefine the world, and you're scared because it's different, but different doesn't always mean wrong. You have years of wisdom and exposure to share, and we may not always be ready to listen. However, I'm aware that some of the best lessons are learned through personal experience. Therefore, for the sake of this argument and every argument like it, we can agree to disagree.
I must admit you are not the only ones at fault. Many younger individuals lack a general respect for older value/belief systems which only enhances the problem. Today's “Millennials” are categorized as technologically savvy and lazy, having been burned-out by growing up in a world of violence. In other words, we are narcissistic, social media obsessed, and undeservingly entitled. A 2013 TIME article even referred to Millennials as “The Me Me Me Generation.” We are engulfed in ourselves, maybe, but who is to blame when we are only trying to fit the molds stigmatized by society? This generation and those generations to come, must gain an understanding and appreciation of past philosophy in order to effectively fill this gap. According to the famous quote by Dr. Carl Sagan, “You have to know the past to understand the present.”
Generational gaps are essentially ‘information gaps,’ in that, children often have access to information and opinions that their parents did not while growing up. A generation gap can be defined as differences of outlook or opinion between people of different generations. They are formed when two age groups begin to see the world from significantly different perspectives, and emerge with greater frequency as the rate of societal change increases. Belonging to a generation is the combination of “a state of mind” and an age grouping. Aside from age, each generation has its own set of trends and attitudes that clearly distinguish them from the rest. So I know you miss the good ole days, believe me I do too. I’m beginning to miss the simpler times with flip phones and real conversation, actual music videos on BET/MTV and other network stations. I don’t know, this new technology is nice and all, but it’s becoming even a little too much for me. I realize that sitting and reminiscing on good times help you treasure and appreciate the past fully.

What to take from this, you ask?

The inevitable will always prevail: we are forced to adapt to an ever changing society, so the only thing we can do is continue to live, and continue to learn. Try not to judge, and when you can enlighten others to this social problem, do. Remember, you can’t stop progression because progress will progress. It’s a fact of evolution.

source: (accessed on May 15, 2017)


  1. I totally agree with this text, the world is evolving once more you are generating new generations, you are coming new discoveries we must be well prepared to face these transformations. We can not get stuck in the present and stay to lament the past but to focus In the future because time is passing and more and more technology, so we have to expand our knowledge so that we can keep pace with the development. Life is not only made of something new but also something that was transformed. "thank you

    n=edson patrick gomes»»»T*cN:28

  2. In my opinion generation gap is a very current issue.
    We all have already heard the expression " Back in my day...". Usually,it is used by older people when they want to say that when they were younger something was different, normally better in their perspective.
    About the Millennials I don´t agree with the 2013 TIME article´s perspective because there are so many teens trying to do an effort to make the world better that most teens shouldn´t be associated to a residual part of teenagers who spend lots of time in front of a screen and prefer playing all day than talk to older people or learn something from their experience and knowledge.
    I would like to say that the author´s perspective is in agreement with my thoughts, mainly because I believe that older people should be listened and respected and young people should add value to their experience´s life. However, the older people should also be adapted to the new world (a world of technology)and try to understand the teens`lifestyle and their way of thinking.
    Rita Sobreira, 10ºB

  3. This text exprimes the Generation Gap between the oldest and the youngest (Millennials). While the youngest have more access to the information and the new technologies, the oldest people has to adapt to these new realities. The "Millennials" are considered narcissistic, lazy and egocentric people because they don't care about the others. In this way they often have conflicts with the oldest generation wich they have other values and other "Know How". The oldest generation in the past interacted with each other and nowadays the youngest generation keep in with itself. They just live these new technologies and they forget the all involved them. This Generation Gap exist because both generations don't respect mutually. For example, when they don't have the same opinions/visions and that's why they see the world in different perspectives. Finally, both generations will be adapted to the changes of the society and they will be continued living and learning and also evoluting as human being.
    In my opinions this text show us a little bit of our society's reality. This could make that both generation started to respect each other.
    Inês Jesus Nº10 10ºC

  4. With the passing of time, everything is evolving more and more whith that can be bad or good depending on what. For example, technologies as they evolve increasingly may not be good as there are more and more people connected to the mobile phone don't live with people that doesn't do very well. So you should try to keep things from moving to the bad side because it depends on what we do for future generations who are going to live in a world that happened in the past.
    Patrícia Conceição 10ºC Nº19

  5. This text talks about the diferent points of view we can have when talking about the famous "generation gap".
    Even though people do not always have the same opinion, we have to learn and respect other points of view. Usually, older people tend to defend that their generation is better than the newer generation, that we are just a bunch of sloppy and lazy people who are constantly on their social media, but they have to understand that, contrarily to them, we had to adapt to a more technological world, in which we interact way more with the internet compared to them. The older generation lived in a time where experience was bigger, and sometimes the "Millenials" don't give the correct value to that aspect.
    People must change their minds so we can try to be all in harmony in a world where many different generations interact, and for that to happen, on one hand, older generations would have to accept that we, the newer generation, adapted to this ever changing society, and try to adapt as well, and on the other hand, the so called "Millenials" should start to recognize that the older's years of wisdom might come in handy in some situations.
    Mariana Araújo, nº17, 10ºB

  6. Everyone, from children to adults, has heard, at least once in their life, the phase "Back in my day..." The tendency to think that in the past everything was more difficult and laborious to obtain is, I would say, global. But it´s not the fault of the current generation, no one is to blame for progress.
    The difficulties have always existed and will not be now, not even living in the era of opportunities, techonologies and innovation that will cease to exist.
    In fact, this generation even has a new responsibility that is to redefine the world. Although the elders have years of wisdom tho share, they must leave us, young people, to make our own mistakes and learn from them.
    However, I must agree that this generation has a very severe problem: we millennials are egocentric. We live in a world centered on ourselves, social networks and techonologies.
    The differences between the millennials and the previous generations are not so abysmal. Contrary to what the elders may think, we also miss the good old days. We miss times with real conversations.
    In short, the millennial generation is neither better nor worse than the previous ones. As any generation, we have had to adapt to a society that is always changing and this is a fact of evolution, it is inevitable.
    Mariana Fernandes, nº 16, 10ºC

  7. "Generation gap" is an intemporal issue that crosses all the generations until the contemporanean times.
    Nowadays, this issue has been gaining increasing importance because of the technology evolution, which revolutionized the modern society, mainly the younger generations. This constant evolution made huge changes: it changed the way we think about the world's happenings, it changed the way we interact with people around us, it changed the way we interpret the different society's perspectives, concluding, it changed the way we are.
    Due to this intensificated mentalities changing, the "generation gap" became a present theme to discuss: the older generations focus always in the most negative characteristics of the following generations and they say always that in their time, everything was better than now. We have to change this thoughts. We may turn our heads to defects and focus on the virtues.
    The only point we can conclude about this issue is that all the generations that crossed this ever-changing world had positive and negative aspects and it will always be so.
    All in all, we have to try to take the best points of each generation and we have to include it in the youngest ones and only then do we progress and build a better future.

    Israel Paródia
    N°13 10°B

  8. “Back in my days…” I am sure everyone has, at least once, heard someone older using this expression to criticize a different and, in their point of view, amiss aspect compared to what they used to do. What older people sometimes do not understand is that world is in a constant evolution anf if we do not want to live in the past we have to keep up with its evolution, we have to evolve with it.
    To begin with, it is true that in the past, life was much harder and people would apreciate it more. However, back then there was not much to fight for, while nowadays if we want to be someone in this life we have to “work our asses off” and even though we might end up not being recognised. This is why I believe that 2013 TIME’s article referred to Millennials as “The Me Me Me Generation”, since if we do not care for ourselves who will? This may be one particular reason for this generation to be called as selfish.
    Futhermore, I believe that elderly people in the majority of situations do not understand why this generation has to fight this much for some insignificant things in life, as a consequence it is created the famous “generation gap”. This gap may start with those insignificant things yet it ends up with a fight of perspectives, atitudes and opinions.
    To conclude, these social and generation problems will forever exist as the world keeps evolving and people are forced to adapt to an ever changing society, who has to grab the oportunity to live and for that they need constant learning.

    Beatriz Pinheiro
    nº6 10ºB

  9. There is increasingly a big difference between the younger society of the older society ("Millennials").
    Young people are increasingly linked to technologies while older people are not so young people are always considered lazy, self-centered and narcissistic people because they are never concerned with the good of society.
    Older people have never lived with this reality so it is that there are always so many conflicts between young people and older people. But increasingly the world is betting on the technologies for this people have to evolve with Technologies for society as a whole to reach consensus. But also never forget the customs / abitos that the older ones were transmitting us.
    Rita Carvalhana nº24 10ºC

  10. The subject "Generation Gap" is a two-sided matter.
    When someone says "Back in my day" we usually argue that this time is better,but that is argueable because many people tend to be rude, but in the older times being polite was more important than this time. So on that aspect the older era may be better but we innovated so much since the creation of the computer, cell phones and game consoles and that eased the communication so much.
    There is an visible Gap in those two aspects because it's a different time with a different thought regarding so much aspects of day-to-day action. Since being on the computer or talking to someone online.
    The World changed so much in such a few years, and so many people called that "Generation Gap".
    Rodrigo Bento
    10ºC nº26

  11. We can see, in this text, the generation gap between younger and older people, Millennials. I think generation gap will always be a problem for the society we live in. Times change, but not everyone is willing to change with it, those born in the present age will have a different thinking from those who were born "in another time." The world is always in constant evolution.
    The current society has access to information that their parents and grandparents did not have, which in my opinion, shows the reason of this generation gap, soon will be much more psychologically evolved people. We often hear older people saying "back to my days," when this happens it seems like both generations have become egocentric, no one seems to want to know what the other person thinks.
    After all, people are beginning to adapt to the changing world.
    Finally, I think that "Millennials", after all, is not necessarily a problem. If both generations try to understand each other, everything becomes easier, probably in the end we would all realize that we both have a lot to learn from each other. Joana Catarino, nº13, 10ºC

  12. Nowadays the generation gap remains very current.
    The new generation are evolving, but the eldery miss their old times, because it's nothing alike it were before.
    The younger generations aare very connected tonew technologies, and most of the times they don't eaven realise what are around them, and with the time passying by it gets wordt.
    Still so, the younger generation it's not all linked to the new technologies, some still want to change the world.
    The eldery have to adapt themselves to tis new generations.
    Before,the yougest persons carred abaout the others, but now, they only care about themselves and they don't care about others arround them.
    In my opinian this text show us a little bit of the society and that we have to respecteveryone elses opinions, eaven not agreeing.

    Adriana Verde nº1 10ºC

  13. Todays generations are very different. Today we have access to a lots of things, like cellphones, what doesn’t happened back in the days.
    Generation gap can be defined by differences of visions and opinions beteween people from different generations we teenagers can say that we grow up in a evolved society, while others from different form because doesn’t exist so much technology, between other things they were a society that althought their problems they were happy.
    In my opinion, we aren’t a narcissistic society although we have the power to criticize someone doesn’t gonna make us bad persons. But yes we can say that we are obsessed by social network and that we have a lots of abilities because we are already a society of a great knowledge but even we don’t accept we have to adapt ourselves to the society.

    Margarida Brito
    10ºC Nº15

  14. "Bach in the days..." it's a usual expretion comment to ear, specially in a old country like ours, because this expretion, proves the generation gap that still remains nowadays.
    the generation gap that exists nowadays it's a social and political problem, that it's still growing up and it will not stop etween younger and older people.
    In this "new world" we evaven rearenged the way we think, because, mostly the eldrs do not understand some egocentric behaviors, attituds and ways of thinking that younger people have, becaus at their time things were done and though diffrently and it's really hard to listen and understand this new ways of living.
    In my opinion the generation gap sill remains these days, and i think that through the times respect towards the eldery have been fade way. I think we all have to adapt to new situations and have to keep up with social and technological evolution.

    Angélica Moita nº4 10ºC

  15. I agree with the text, however, in my opinion it's complicated to understand. I think it's the reality of nowadays. The way that we think about the world is a little bit different with people of different ages, of different generations. The new generations have access to some information that older ones were not allowed, witch should be a good thing, but this age of information and tecnology steals many experiences from the younger generations.

    Inês Santos, nº11 10ºB

  16. This text addresses one of the most interesting and controversial issues of the day in the sense that the different generations are always in a kind of social conflict.
    I think that almost all teenagers today have come across a family conflict, in which people of older generations, namely parents and sometimes grandparents, have told us that we should not spend so much time in front of the screen, or even that If we want to talk to our friends we should talk face to face.
     I think even parents and children have been upset because of this divergence of views of the generations in question on the one hand we have conservative side of the older generation on the younger of how it was done in their time is the most correct, on the other hand we have The younger generation that thinks due also to the technological leap that has occurred in the last decades that now the conversations, to play games is everything by the technology and is with this part mainly that the parents do not agree and of having a virtual life instead of living the life real.
    You can not sensitize your parents by trying to help their children by thinking that so doing the best for them, the problem lies in the middle where each generation developed a low technology if you wanted to talk to a person you had to go to her house, and Another in which through the internet can talk through the computer or even mobile phone to the other side of the world even being on the couch. You can not deny the jump between generations is always present one always tries to impose the way it was created on the newest but the fact is that this does not work and fact of that is evolution from one generation to another genaration.

    andre pereira 10ºB

  17. This text is about "the greneration gap", over the text we can understand how the generations has evolved over the years. Like changes at the technological level, older generations didn't have the technology that is avaible today, for example mobile phones, computers, smartwatches/television etc, wich causes a differentiation (gap) at the level of the persone mentality. This changes over the years are natural and absolutely necessary for the human evolution. Nowadays we complain about our parents for not understanding the modern changes but in a matter of fact, one day, we will be just like them, but we should always try our best to adapt and understand these new chages at our lifes, just like the older generations did, so to summarise I totally agree with this text and that we always must try to comprehend and accept these new changes, even if we don't like them or understand.
    Ana Marques,n.3,10C

  18. In my opinion, society has evolued in the way of coexistence. In the old days we used to speak face to face and not the front of a screen. Nowadays the older ones say that the younger ones are lazy and they are constantly in front of computers. They say this because they don't realize what technologies are and how they work, since they have different points of view, due to the so called "generation gap". The younger generation has adapted to technologies, contrarily to the older generation. If we want different generations to respect themselves mutualy, we need to treat everybody right no mather their understanding level when it comes to technologies.
    Miguel Rosa 10ºB nº18

  19. "Back in my days..." is the phrase that a lot of the older people use when they are with people of a different generation. For them it's the way to express that in past the things were completely different, and in their prespective nowadays the teenagers are all lazys and addicted to the technologys, like the 2013 TIME article ( “Millennials”), and to be honest I disagree with that article, because, basically, they are saying that all the teenagers are lazys and addicted to the technology, and that it's not true, because some teenagers are working hard to make the world a better place to live.
    When the oldest ones says "back in my days" the are trying to say that in past the things were really different and better, but the only solution to that is adapting, because anyone can stop the progress.

    Tomé Gomes Nº26 10ºB

  20. This text talks about different points of view when talking about the generation gap.
    In my opinion it is a problem which will always exist because the world is constantly changing and today we have technologies that were not available a few years ago.
    I think we have a generation gap because nowadays the younger generation has benefits which the older generation did not and in my opinion it disturbs the oldest.
    As I said before, the world is constantly changing so technologies are always getting better and the world is becoming dependent of those technologies and I think it is not easy to adapt for those who did not have it.
    To conclude, generation gaps will forever exist since we will always have different ways of adapting to an ever changing world.
    Rodrigo Ferrinho nº23 10ºB

  21. I think the genaration gap is a thing that every person fell, since he his a kid and start to have a vision of the world. I think that because when your parents doesnt let us to play a little more, or force us to go bed early when kids doesnt want, we see a diferent way to think and a diferent way to act a that is a generation gap.

    In the text we see a little bit of that, and i totaly agree with that.

    p.s O aluno mais inteligente mais engraçado mas para além disso o aluno que o setor mais gosta Manuel santos soares sei que vai ter saudades

  22. Today the generations have evolved over the centuries.
    Each generation learns how to think or act.
    According to Dr. Carl Sagan, children have access to information and opinions that their parents do not tell them.
    As the generations hiatus says that people have different opinions and sometimes the different opinions cause conflicts but all are unique.
    Nowadays people lose time with the phones in times of a real conversation this shows that people with the evolution of technologies are no longer as they used to be that they all communicated with one another.
    This generally reveals good times helps to value the forms in the world in great change.
    To conclude all life is in constant experience and change.
    10ºC Nº17

  23. I think all the people that belong to my generation, including me, have all heard the expession: "Back in my day...".
    Usually, the adults try the most they can to show us that our generation is completly lost, is constantly stuck into the phone or every other gadget that now exists, that is putting real conversations and friends apart and giving all the credits to technology. They say that in their time things were a lot better and life was really worth to be living, that they could feal the fresh hair and the adventures outdoors. Well, I don´t desegree with that, obsviously some of us are to adicted to technology and spent big part
    of their time stuck into screens and the reason why this happens is, in my opinion, called evolution.
    We can all understand that the world is evolving and in the last couple of decades the evolution has been enormous: machines were invented, internet appeared, technologies came along, medicine, construction, everything evolved and of course the news generations evolved to. we have different ways to think, to have fun and to convive than the others generations but we still have thejoy to live.
    I agree with the authors opinion that we should respect the olders generations because we have a lot of knowledge and wisdom to learn from them but I think that the olders generations should also try to learn things from us, in order to avoid this big generation gap.
    Márcia Ribeiro nº 16 10º B

  24. I think all the people that belong to my generation, including me, have all heard the expession: "Back in my day...".
    Usually, the adults try the most they can to show us that our generation is completly lost, is constantly stuck into the phone or every other gadget that now exists, that is putting real conversations and friends apart and giving all the credits to technology. They say that in their time things were a lot better and life was really worth to be living, that they could feal the fresh hair and the adventures outdoors. Well, I don´t desegree with that, obsviously some of us are to adicted to technology and spent big part
    of their time stuck into screens and the reason why this happens is, in my opinion, called evolution.
    We can all understand that the world is evolving and in the last couple of decades the evolution has been enormous: machines were invented, internet appeared, technologies came along, medicine, construction, everything evolved and of course the news generations evolved to. we have different ways to think, to have fun and to convive than the others generations but we still have thejoy to live.
    I agree with the authors opinion that we should respect the olders generations because we have a lot of knowledge and wisdom to learn from them but I think that the olders generations should also try to learn things from us, in order to avoid this big generation gap.
    Márcia Ribeiro nº 16 10º B

  25. I think all the people that belong to my generation, including me, have all heard the expession: "Back in my day...".
    Usually, the adults try the most they can to show us that our generation is completly lost, is constantly stuck into the phone or every other gadget that now exists, that
    is putting real conversations and friends apart and giving all the credits to technology. They say that in their time things were a lot better and life was really worth to be living, that they could feal the fresh hair and the adventures outdoors. Well, I don´t desegree with that, obsviously some of us are to adicted to technology and spent big part of their time stuck into screens and the reason why this happens is, in my opinion, called evolution.
    We can all understand that the world is evolving and in the last couple of decades the evolution has been enormous: machines were invented, internet appeared, technologies came along, medicine, construction, everything evolved and of course the news generations evolved to. we have different ways to think, to have fun and to convive than the others generations but we still have thejoy to live.
    I agree with the authors opinion that we should respect the olders generations because we have a lot of knowledge and wisdom to learn from them but I think that the olders generations should also try to learn things from us,in order to avoid this big generation gap.
    Márcia Ribeiro nº 16 10º B

  26. Over the years there has been a great technological evolution. This text is about "generation gap". Of how much technology affects our present day. Nowadays we can`t leave without our mobile phones or computers or smartwatches or thing like that. But in one way this is good because help and facilitate our lifes.
    I totally agree with this text because it is necessary for the human being to evolve every day.
    Ana Costa
    Nº2 10ºC

  27. I totally agree with the author's prespective. To begin with, since little I've been hearing the expression "Back in my day..." over and over again. I can imagine how frustrating it might be for eldery people to see the world evolving. I know that back then, they hadn't technological devices or even Internet to have fun as we do nowadays, but they have to understand that the world is constantly changing and that younger generation didn't ask to be born at this time. That's the famous "Generation Gap".
    As Raenetta said "A generation gap can be defined as differences of outlook or opinion between people of different generations." and I fully agree, older generations have a completely different outlook from the world in comparation to the teens.
    To conclude, the old people shouldn't be so rock hard
    minded, and they should try to understand that the technology evolution is not that bad and it makes daily tasks much easier.
    Luís Barbosa, nº15, 10ºB

  28. I agree with this text, even though it is a bit difficult to understand. In my opinion this text shows nowdays toughts, which are really different from younger to older people. Many of these thoughts differ when talking about technology, older people did not have access to the majority of things that we have now and for that reason a conflict of opinions, atitudes and perspectives is generated, usually called “Generation gap”. Older people think that we have almost none benefit from these technologies, ending up not apreciating life the way they did, which in a certain way concerns them, worsening that generation gap problem.

    Ricardo Repolho
    Nº21 10ºB

  29. I totally agree with the author's prespective. To begin with, since little I've been hearing the expression "Back in my day..." over and over again. I can imagine how frustrating it might be for eldery people to see the world evolving. I know that back then, they hadn't technological devices or even Internet to have fun as we do nowadays, but they have to understand that the world is constantly changing and that younger generation didn't ask to be born at this time. That's the famous "Generation Gap".
    As Raenetta said "A generation gap can be defined as differences of outlook or opinion between people of different generations." and I fully agree, older generations have a completely different outlook from the world in comparation to the teens.
    To conclude, the old people shouldn't be so rock hard
    minded, and they should try to understand that the technology evolution is not that bad and it makes daily tasks much easier.
    Luís Barbosa, nº15, 10ºB

  30. I totally agree with the author's prespective. To begin with, since little I've been hearing the expression "Back in my day..." over and over again. I can imagine how frustrating it might be for eldery people to see the world evolving. I know that back then, they hadn't technological devices or even Internet to have fun as we do nowadays, but they have to understand that the world is constantly changing and that younger generation didn't ask to be born at this time. That's the famous "Generation Gap".
    As Raenetta said "A generation gap can be defined as differences of outlook or opinion between people of different generations." and I fully agree, older generations have a completely different outlook from the world in comparation to the teens.
    To conclude, the old people shouldn't be so rock hard
    minded, and they should try to understand that the technology evolution is not that bad and it makes daily tasks easier.
    Luís Barbosa, nº15, 10ºB

  31. From my point of view "the generation gap" is a topic that can be seen in many different ways.
    The the way that i see it, older people say that life back then was harder in a way that jobs were tougher physically but in our generation school sometimes gets the best of us and it is harder in psychological way.
    According to the 2013 TIME article that refers to "Millennials" as "The Me Me Me Generation" but if we don't take care of ourselves who will?
    To conclude I think that the older generation doesn't see kids working on the farms and that type of hard work as much and because they never had as many classes as we do they didn't get trough the stress of having to have good grades so they say that life to them was much harder.

    Nuno Pereira nº19 10ºB

  32. A generation gap is characterized as the difference of opinions between one generation and another regarding beliefs, values and habits. Nowadays, the world's population is facing a severe generational gap due to the advances that our planet has witnessed in the last 50 years, mostly in technology, which has led to an everlasting conflit between young people and the elderly. This way, it is of utmost importance to try to reach to an agreement since both groups can benefit from each other's opinions concerning a certain matter.
    To begin with, the older individuals are said to have gained experience throughout their existance, so they can provide advisement to the younger ones to ensure that they achieve their ambitions.
    Secondly, it is safe to admit that the elderly more often than not do not keep up with trends and pay very limited atention to the breakthroughs verified in modern technology. This way, the Millennials should feel obliged to assist them in order to facilitate their involvment in such complex areas.
    Finally, everyone should bare in mind that evolution does also evolve so it is imperative to stop arguing about insignificant subjects and start cooperating and acting in harmony to acomplish every assignment proposed.
    On the whole, I believe that our society will improve and emerge if this measures are put in action. Furthermore, everyone should take into consideration that we will inevitably face an outlandish progess. Thus, they should be prepared for what the future is holding instead of complaining whether their generation is preferable comparative to the other.

    Tomás Santos Moreira nº27 10ºC

  33. That text talk about the opinion of older people and the opinion of the "new generation", and that's because exist to much conflits between that tão generations.
    The conflits happen because of the changing since one generation to the other, because the older people doesn't see the perspective of the younger people, then existe conflits.
    In my opinion, to that type of things don't exist anymore, the young people has to understand the perspective of the new generation, and the older generation has to adapt to that type of changes.
    Rúben Ascenso 10*B N*:25

  34. That text talk about the opinion of older people and the opinion of the "new generation", and that's because exist to much conflits between that two generations.
    The conflits happen because of the changing since one generation to the other, because the older people doesn't see the perspective of the younger people, then existe conflits.
    In my opinion, to that type of things don't exist anymore, the young people has to understand the perspective of the older people, and the older generation has to adapt to that type of changes.
    Rúben Ascenso 10*B N*25

  35. That text talk about the opinion of older people and the opinion of the "new generation", and that's because exist to much conflits between that two generations.
    The conflits happen because of the changing since one generation to the other, because the older people doesn't see the perspective of the younger people, then existe conflits.
    In my opinion, to that type of things don't exist anymore, the young people has to understand the perspective of the older people, and the older generation has to adapt to that type of changes.
    Rúben Ascenso 10ºB Nº25

  36. I think that nowadays people specifically teenagers have a different freedom and way to live comparated with others generations. Our world has changed with technology and most people have different opinions about that. We usually heard our parents or grandparents saying "back in my days..." because that's what I was saying, the world has changed... sometimes our parents don't understand our point of view and that's difficult for us to try to explain to their that we are in a modern generation and they have to understand. We can conclude that over the years the generations had changed.
    Carolina Alves | 10°B | N°7

  37. This generation gap it's more present in our lives than we actualy realize. Probably we already heard our parents or our grandparents saying "back in my day..." or "in my time...", and in that moment our conscious is already prepared to hear some story of their good old days. Although we think it's boring, those days made our present something diferent, new and better. Everyday appears new techonologies, new great inventors, and definitely there's no such thing as change, because different doesn't mean wrong.
    Everyone has in his body some kind of energy, fluence and spirit to redefine the world, to make it a better place and to avoid the egocentric people. Our generation it's so important that the kids are already feeling the pressure, because we are the technology generation, and ,somehow, everything we do counts to save the world. However, my advice to young people and new adults it's don't feel responsable for everything bad that happens in the world, just work hard for your goals and don't let the “Millennials” dominate your minds and lives.
    Always accept the difference, the other's opinion and never jugde, because the evolution never stops and the best you can do is just "continue to live, and continue to learn".
    Irina Pires, 10ºB, Nº12.

  38. I feel like this "generation gap" is a way of solving the problem as to which is the best generation: the older, or the newer. As to the older generation, things were harder back then, no computers to help on researching topics, no mobile phones. On the other hand, the newer generation has those devices and much more. But not only the available technology has changed, but also the way of thinking. Nowadays, people focus much more on themselves, than on the others around them, which earned them the "Me Me Me Generation" nickname. While a few years back it was all about living as a group and not an individual, having real friends instead of facebook friends and caring about the other people not just themselves, today it's all about having personal success, even if it means bringing other people down. The other main aspect which is clearly different is the accessibility to technology. Today, it is very easy to have access to a mobile phone. But back then having one was a luxury, which kind of pisses off the older generations who feel cheated out of this benefit. To conclude, every generation is unique in its own way, and the so called "generation gap" is what defines the difference between them.
    Sr Rodrigo Pereira, cujo n° é o 24 e a turma é 10°B

  39. A generation gap consists of the differences in opinions expressed by members of two different generations. More specifically, a generation gap can be used to describe the differences in actions, beliefs and tastes members of younger generations when compared to members of older generations regarding politics, values and other matters. While generation gaps have been prevalent throughout all periods of history, the breadth of differences of these gaps has widened in the 20th and 21st centuries.
    Nowadays, the generational gap is a problem between the young people and their grandparents or parents, mainly due to the new technologies that have changed the way of seeing things and the way of thinking, because many of the attitudes taken by young people today, it was formerly unthinkable to be done. The new technologies have also changed people's way of life, because the day to day activities of our parents and grandparents were to go to work with their parents, nowadays all the young people stay at home to use these technologies excessively. Even when it comes to school there are different ways of thinking between us and our parents, because in the past to study or had rich families or were the most fortunate young people while today no one wants to go to school, finding the school unnecessary due to these reasons a giant difference between our generation and the past generation is caused, almost due to the evolution of technology.
    Gabriel Figueiredo 10°C

  40. This generation gap it's so present in our days than we actually realize. Probably we already heard our parents or grandparents saying "back in my day..." or "in my time...", and our conscious is already prepared to listen some story of their good old days. Although we think it's boring, those days made our present something different, new and better. Everyday appears new techonologies, new great inventors, new ideas and this is evolution, and we can't do nothing to stop it, just go along with it, learn and grow. Our generation it's so important that kids are already feeling the pressure, because it looks like everything we do counts to change the world, and practically does, but not so dramatic, and my advice to young people and new adults it's don't feel guilty and responsable for everything bad that happens to world, just work hard and focus on your goals and don't let the “Millennials” control your minds and lives.
    I believe that everyone has in his bodys some kind of energy, fluence and spirit to redefine the world, to make it a better place and avoid the egocentric people - those who increase "The Me Me Me Generation". However, we should provide wisdom and the best things to the world, because tomorrow isn't guaranteed and the mean we give it comes to us, somehow.
    We belong a generation that is different from the past generation, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't listen the "olders". Our society is always changing and sincerely we are forced to adapt and the only thing we can do is "continue to live, and continue to learn".
    Irina Pires, 10ºB, Nº12

  41. After reading this text and questioning it, I realized that the problem of the argument "Back in my day" affects and always will, all generations, whether they are past or upcoming. As humans, it is our nature to evolve to fit the needs of our species at that particular time, we cannot stop evolution and progress to occur.
    To some it might be hard to accept such drastic change, to fear the hidden dangers, but we have historic proofs that consequences affect people, we need to move on or there won’t be progress, if we dwell on the past, we will never learn from the present, and never move into a future where we learn from our mistakes whether as individuals or as a society.
    These generation gaps are often thought to be related with the place of technology in today’s world. Of course issues exist with the fact that technology is outsmarting us ; we need to make sure to control such intelligence in order to prevent catastrophic consequences on humanity. Such difference between individuals coming from different eras, has its pros. For example, different generations can learn from each other's experiences, opinions on past and present problems, evolve their mentality on certain topics (we learn from each other).
    Some might argue that the older generations should not aid the younger ones, as it would interfere with their learning. In reality, help does not mean doing the "job" for the younger generations, it doesn´t mean to say over and over "Back in my day" to make the younger generation feel guilty for its mistakes and for being born in another time, with a complete different mentality. In fact, it does not motivate nor does it help to progress and to grow. It slows down the process of learning, and prevents it to bloom even in an imperfect manner. In fact, we can reduce the gap by exchanging our knowledge with each other, to teach ourselves to look in places, we never thought we would look in.
    In addition, we cannot blame those who try to fit in with the majority as it is a challenge that we all face all along our life. Some generations might have been more affected than others, due to various causes that past generations didn’t have.
    Therefore, in conclusion, I agree on certain topics mentioned by the author of the article. However, we must remind ourselves that we should never judge someone’s intelligence of understanding certain topics by their age or any criteria. We are all still learning whatever the age, whatever our date of birth. Therefore, a growing number of future leaders with the help of past leaders will surely construct a better future for humanity.

    Paulo Oliveira Reis - No 20 , 10 C

  42. In this text, the main subject it's generation gap, that's about the difference between generations. In my opinion, definitely no one asks to born and, sometimes, listening some people of past generation saying things like "in my time, we played by the rules and if we don't, our path were hard punishments" or "back in my day, things were so different", and I mean, different doesn't mean wrong, and our generation don't have fault for anything that happens in the past. I think this new generation, that I'm include, certainly have more doors for the world and it's "more easy" for some things, but everything we do now have a huge weight in the world, and somehow, that's a bit scary.
    I agree that we should also listen some advices from the people older than me, because they are wiser and they actually know more things than me, and if I don't want to became a “Millennial” and being part of “The Me Me Me Generation”, I should work hard and always choose the right way.
    I also agree with the quote "“You have to know the past to understand the present”, because if we were going to check, everything starts from the bottom, and some details of present are initiated in past.
    Concluind, we never should jugde any differents opinions or stuff, because evolution it's that, it is changing, all we have to do is learn and grow with it.
    Ana Henriques, Nº3, 10ºB

  43. I agree with this text, even though it is a bit difficult to understand. In my opinion this text shows nowdays toughts, which are really different from younger to older people. Many of these thoughts differ when talking about technology, older people did not have access to the majority of things that we have now and for that reason a conflict of opinions, atitudes and perspectives is generated, usually called “Generation gap”. Older people think that we have almost none benefit from these technologies, ending up not apreciating life the way they did, which in a certain way concerns them, worsening that generation gap problem.

    Ricardo Repolho
    Nº21 10ºB

  44. My generation is not like any other generation in history, due to the rise of technology. We are evolving in a way never seen before, we are the pioneers of a new way of doing things. Times are different now, everyone must understand that.
    Our big issue is that we have been given everything since we were born, Our generation never had to work hard for anything, we are living in a superficial world with our online lives. Unfortunately I think we have a tendency to delay adulthood, childhood is so good after all ! It’s really the “Me Me Me” generation, we are ambitious but lazy, hyper connected and self-obsessed,
    Conflict between generations is as old as parents and teenagers, every parent want it to be easier for their kids than it was for them. But as we know, environment has changed and so has the lifestyle, kids simply doesn’t like others interfering in any of their personal things. It’s normal, life changes every day, so do we. We don’t want to live by the rules of our parents who experienced different time because they no longer apply to us. They want to raise us based on their own upbringing, their experiences and beliefs but they forget that nearest past is outdated and the world is more advanced each day.
    We can’t stop progress, life is going on and generations face it every day, it’s how we must adapt and find our own way of living in this world and sometimes listen to our parents, respect above all.
    Pedro Silva 10ºC Nº21

  45. The subject represented in the text The Generation Gap Today Exists, is the difference between the generations.
    We can’t criticize neither the new nor the old people.
    The oldest generation was formed in a different time and in a different way. They did not have so much access to knowledge and information and they did not have an easy access to school because they had to go to work very early.
    My generation was created at different times and customs.
    I have access to the information, culture, art, technologies. We have to go to school to achieve the knowledge of life while the older generation discovered the knowledge with the work and experience in it.
    The young people often do not recognize this life experience and we put this down. But the opposite also happens, the older people refuse to accept this new world (they do not accept the technologies, they do not recognize new ways of working,...).
    But I must defend my generation; I can’t accept that the oldest say “It was like that in the past”.
    We cannot forget the world is changed, the things are different. I can´t hear the people say that the young are hopeless, they have no manners, irresponsibles or other expressions. I don’t agree with this. We bring the evolution to the world, we can change the mentalities.
    The oldest generation has some problems to adapt in this society and that’s why, I believe the oldest people have to ask for help, otherwise they stop in time.
    This social and colossal technological evolution is giving many problems to the oldest generation. All this is normal and it has to happen. And it will happen. We must include all generations and all of us must follow this evolution.
    If it happens, they will evolve with the youngest generation and I will get involved too.
    I’m worried about this society.
    The youngest has to respect the oldest and the vice versa. I believe that all generations have to give their opinions but respect each other.

    Pedro Pragosa 10ºC
