November 11, 2016

Technologies in Education

     Computers, tablets, smartphones, smartwatches ... There is a whole new world of Technology out there. Education, in general, and schools, in particular, are highly influenced by these New Technologies. There are some cartoons spread through the Internet which reflect these new times.
  • Analyse the cartoons below and say what is your opinion on the influence of New Technologies in Education.


  1. After reading and analyzing these following comics, in my opinion, the creator might have wanted to warn us about how our posterity might live in the future. For example, if we look at the second comic, we can see a toddler wondering how to use a simple chalkboard since there are no "icons" "displayed" on it, this is a warning that we should absolutly not let technology take away our independence and make mankind mainly useless relying on it for the majority of it's life. Of course technology has it's pros for making information easily accessible but we must not let ourselves depend on a piece of technology and live like machines or robots with absolutly no objective since we have technology doing the majority of our most important human habits which make up who we are. In conclusion, the comics are a message to tell us that individuals who rely on technology will become fruitless and that if technology has this major impact on our societies, what will the future of our species and the rest of the earth be ?

    Paulo Oliveira Reis
    No 20
    10 C

  2. Nowadays the children are increasingly addicted to the internet, and if on the internet we have everything, why we need go to school? The comics show us that on day the children at school will not even know what a chalkboard is and will not know how to do things on their own without, the internet. In my opinion, we should not let this happen. We should not let technology replace our way of thinking. If we continue like this, one day we will be replaced by robbots, human beings will no longer exist on earth.

    Ana Costa

  3. In tese cartoons shows that with innovation tecnology the people are more independente of your smartphone. Nowadays everything can do in smartphone what in the old days if I had to be done in paper or in book.
    But with appearence of new tecnologys also caused with much people became addicted to iPad.
    The cartoons show with new generation put in cause the old systems.

    Patrícia Conceição
    10ºC Nº19

  4. Technologies today are widely used at school, at work, and at home.
    Technologies are an easier way of working because we can find everything we need in a simple application.
    Or instead of going to the library I opened a book and read and write on paper what is more important is not at home or at school sitting on a chair to copy from one place to another, soon many generations that come after will not learn To write manually.
    Since more and more use of technologies and more frequent and with this they take to the world more technological than manual.
    In my opinion technologies must exist but not for everything because with this there is not to communicate face to face but to screen for screen.
    10ºC Nº17

  5. The technology influence education in two ways: in a positive way and in a negative way.
    Technology is essencial because it help us search faster and even comunication is easier, with people that are close to us and even people in other country's. ^
    In a negative way we can get addicted to that gadjets, wich isn't healthy.
    In my opinian I think technology is essencial because it help us nowing the currents situations of the world.

    Adriana Verde nº1 10ºC

  6. Today, technology and education are very much linked. Now it is normal to have computers in classrooms and even in school in general. We can analyze in these cartoons that the tecnhologies / internet compromise the school, to the point of asking why to come to school, we also have another example in which shows how this world lets us take in such a way that we no longer know how and that one Simple chalkboard or a pen can be useful to us here that we are accustomed to

    Joana Felipe Da Silva
    10-C N-12

  7. Today, technology and education are very much linked. Now it is normal to have computers in classrooms and even in school in general. We can analyze in these cartoons that the tecnhologies / internet compromise the school, to the point of asking why to come to school, we also have another example in which shows how this world lets us take in such a way that we no longer know how and that one Simple chalkboard or a pen can be useful to us here that we are accustomed to

    Joana Felipe Da Silva
    10-C N-12

  8. I really like the cartoons because they are comic but at the same time they focus on current issues. The issues that are aimed at by the use of technology mainly in Education. One aspect is that students tend to plagiarize instead of creating their own essays, like it is shawn by the first cartoon. Students think that they don`t need to study because all they need is accessible through new technologies, as we see in the third cartoon,and they don`t want to think or have their awn opiniows.
    The second and the last cartoon show the gap between these two generations-teachers and students.
    We can also see that the students dan`t know the traditional methods and are too dependent an new technologies.
    Besides these negative aspects, i think that there are advantages of the use of new technologies in education. They allow the use of new teachin methods; Information is easier to saccess and is uptodate.
    In conclusion, like almost every thins in life, the use of new technologies has advantages and disadvantages.
    Prepared by: Pedro Pragosa nª23 10ºc

  9. I think this cartons criticize very well the addction the young people have to new technologies and in a same time are very comic.
    My opinion about this addction is that the young must be less dependent off tecnhology and have fun in different ways like play futboll or hide an seek. In a simple way to explain I think this addiction like the others are bad to the teenagers and must be fought.
    Com cumprimentos o exelente, o bravo Manuel soares nº14 10ºc

  10. Technology is more and more present in the lives of people, which for me is unpleasant.
    Nowadays robbots are already doing everything and as a result people begin to be inactive and unaware of reality begin to live in a virtual world.
    That's why I support things without technology.
    Rita Carvalhana nº24 10ºC

  11. In these days, the majority of students know what new technologies are, and sometimes they are addict to them. This argument can be valid if we analyse each of the cartoons.
    These cartoons demonstrate us that sometimes students can plagiarize other person`s work and also that there are a huge number of teens that are dependent to new technologies.
    To me, this modern gadgets showed in this cartoons can be use to help teaching children, but it have to be controlled, because we do not want to be dependent to this modern things.
    To sum up, the cartoons have the purpose to transmite us that if we use a lot gadgets, we can become addicted to them.However, new technologies can be a huge step to the success in the near future.

    Guilherme Caetano
    10 c N 9

  12. Thechnology influence a lot.
    Almost every single people use technology nowadays. In these days anyone use book because they can esialy search for the same subject on the internet using smarthphones, tablets, or computers.
    In my opinian we shouldn't use many techology has we use, because we lost the interaction that we had before with people.

    Daniela Louro nº5/10ºC

  13. It is clear that even more information and communication technologies are used in the actual society and because of that, students should be acostumated and have acces to them at school.
    By the other way, its very often mentioned the use of computers or other technologies to teach students not only to simplify the comunication but also to transmite the knowledge. Besides the mentionated, students feel more motivated when they work with technologies because they are inserted in a technologic society.
    I don’t mean with this that students should learn only with them and stop learning how to read, write and work by the traditional method like the boy in the cartoon. He don’t even know how to use the materials that always were used at school.
    Beside the technology represents many advantages, the disavantages also exist like is shown in the third cartoon, where the student think that don’t need to go to school because his smartphone knows everything. Like him, there are a lot of students who have acess to everything, anytime and everywhere and start to depreciate school.

    Joana Catarino

  14. Technology nowadays is a very important thing because help us search easily for the information that we need, but it can be very harmful for our health because we get addicted to smarthphones, tablets or computers really easily.
    In these cartoons we can clearly see that the kids don't even know how to write or even question the reason for them go to school, wich is a very problematic thing.
    In my opinian technology is very important it help us develop in many different ways but getting attached to dect gadjets knowing that we have another ways like books to search for information it is very dangerous thing.

    Angélica Moita nº4/ 10ºC

  15. When we look at the present everyone is nowadays looking at their phone, tablets and computers.This matter has a good side and a bad side.The good side as it's revolutionizing the world, by doing things in the past it took hours and now with a press of a button you can do it half the time it took in the past. The bad side as people tend to look at their phones and not socialize. This examples of cartoons show us perfectly that, people but generally more younger, are now getting used to do everything on the phone, tablet and computer. My opinion is that technoly is good when you dont over exaggerate.
    Rodrigo Bento nº26 10ºC
    Peace out

  16. Technology is more present nowadays,and it influenced the education both positive and negative.
    Technology is positive when I need search about anything in the internet, and it is more practise and easier, but technology has negative side, for exemple the depedence.
    In these cartoons show that children are addcited to the gadjets and they don´t know the world around her. They don´t live with out technologies and they don´t use our brain, the use the gadjets.
    In my opinion, the technology can be useful and practise, but us don´t replace the tecnhonoly for our brains.
    Ana Marques, nº3, 10ºC

  17. Nowadays most people spend their lives being controlled by technologies and they are becoming more and more influenced by them.
    In the cartoons above, we can see that the characters are trying to show that technology plays a major role in education, as the students see new technologies as powerful tools to help them.
    In my opinion, technology has brought many advantages. However, it also has drawbacks since many people have forgotten the world around them. Students, for example, spend too much time using technological devices and they tend to forget about school. They become addicted to new technologies and this addiction might be harmful.
    Margarida Brito Nº15 10ºC

  18. Nowadays, Technology is a part of our life. The Technology is attractive and addicted. Technology plays a large role in many aspects of day-to-day life, and education is no different. Technology is rapidly changing the way students learn and how instructors teach.
    However, using social networking as part of the learning process can also have benefits. Students who are more introverted may open up and connect more with faculty and other students when they are communicating through social networking. It also affords students the opportunity to collaborate and work together in a whole new way.
    In these Cartoons, shows how the Technology influences on the students, and the grades may be more lower because the Technology takes out hours of sleep.
    In my opinion, the Technology is changing the world from the bad side, doing things more advanced in relation to people.

    Nuno Monteiro, nº18, 10ºC

  19. Of my understanding, this situation is like anything else: it has some great vantages but also awful desadvantages associated with the access kids nowadays have to the new technologies.
    Per example, technologies came to make human's life easier. Today with a cellphone we can call anyone and text but we can also search the internet, take pictures with the camera's phone, we can set alarm clocks and we can mark our compromises in a digital agenda.
    And in the "new technologies" we can include the internet that I already mencioned and which makes researching a lot easier, like instead of staying hours in a library reading books looking for the information we want to find, write what we are looking for in a search engine and we have in the moment a lots of links containing that same information.
    Than we have the disadvantages, like cyberbullying and those virus made to rob private informations from our personal plataforms. There are news every day of teens that commit suicide for being online bullyied for the sharing of some unwanted pictures or pictures with explicit content of the victim.
    I think it is good the existence of technology, but certainly it demands careful use and to have notion of the danger of the internet.

    Rita Matias, no25, 10o C

  20. The technology is been evolving among of the years. It influences many different areas, such as education.
    The new technologies have both, a positive and a negative influence in education nowadays. The advantages are: more access to information online, access to materials in the moodle, the possibility to deliver works by email and it allow the teachers to make the classes more interesting.
    By the other side, analysing the cartoons, we see that there are some disadvantages, such as: the children play less outside with the other kids, because since young ages they are addicted to their computers, tablets and smartphones.
    In short, I think that technologies are important in education since they are used in moderation.
    Mariana Fernandes Nº16 10ºC

  21. New technologies nowadays have a great influence on the education of the young people and can influence in a good way, for example when it is used for search information, or it can be harmful when used in excess, because more than half of the children already have access to New technologies every day, such as the mobile phone.
    In my opinion, new technologies can be very useful in education because technology helps the teacher to make his classes more stimulating for students, thus helping students to learn and consolidate knowledge more easily. With the help of technology, students are increasingly eager to learn.
    Gabriel Figueiredo Nº8 10ºC

  22. After watching the cartoons below, in my opinion the new technologies in education have a lot of influence and on the one hand I think well because we will always learn a little more, it is more effective nowadays to use a computer, tablet or mobile phone, because in them we can gather immense information quickly, but on the other hand I think it's a bit bad because we will from time to time be more dependent on these technologies and more clingy. With these new technologies, the use of books and other means of searching and collecting information is no longer necessary, nowadays if we need to know something or search collect the mobile phones, etc. Society is so dependent on these technologies that any day nor in a simple picture can write because it is there, it does not have the icons that a mobile phone has and so on.

    Diana Santos 10ºC Nº6

  23. Technology drastically affects many areas of society in positive and negative ways, including education. Nowadays it's normal to have computers in classrooms and modern-day students not only have computers to help them with their schoolwork, they also use the Internet for research. In my point of view, this comics are, sadly, true since it's regular to see, today, young boys and girls having smartphones, laptops, tablets and other gadgets.
    Inês Fernandes nº11 10ºC


  24. We are living in a highly developed world, technology plays a vital role in our lives.
    As the world is becoming more and more connected, teenagers are faced with the fact that the emergence of modern technology is like the best gift for their generation. It has opened up a world of opportunity to students.
    I think nearly all teenagers use the internet.
    That's why I laugh at the first cartoon, teenagers always use the computer and Internet for their schoolwork, the internet gives students access to research sources as never before. So they use and abuse it, copy and paste and all your work is done ! The student in the cartoon shows the best of it.
    The second and fourth cartoon show us that teenagers have never known a world without technology and most of them can't even conceive using a chalkboard or a normal schoolboard. No longer do students need to have access to physical boards in school. The new age of technology is here, why spending time using old methods if you have a new range of devices.
    The third cartoon is my favourite, we don't need to learn basic life skills, our devices do just about everything for us. We often turn to what is comforting to us and it is true, the internet knows everything... It has become very easy to get access to relevant information at any time anywhere. Digital content reigns, it makes life so much easier.
    In conclusion, modern technology has made it simple for students to learn but it also promotes, unfortunately, lazy attitudes towards education.

    Pedro Silva Nº21 10ºC

  25. Technology is very important nowadays and it influenced the education both positive and negative. The techonology can be seen as a big tool box, they can leave many resources be explored. There are many possibilities of research on the Internet of subjects spoken in classes.
    On the other side the technology has aspects negatives, for exemple we can get addicted and it´s not good.
    Francisca Filipe Nº10 10ºC

  26. Over the past few years, the method that has been considered the most influential, revolutionizing and vital to our development is the new technologies. According to the cartoons presented, we can perceive a comic comment on the enlightening increasing of addiction to gadgets by children, especially teens.
    To my mind, this is due to the fact that with the advances verified in technology, pupils tend to become less proactive in executing their school duties since they opt to choose the easiest way, which is going online and searching for a pre-prepared paper like the one they are assigned to. Thus, they will loose their abilities to identify some old-generation objects (but still being used) such as a chalk board, because they are more focused in seeking for the latest technological invention or texting their mates. Furthermore, there is every likelihood that they will not succeed in overcoming any outcame that can come to surface, while in their adult lives.
    However, the usage of new technologies in education has some advantages. For instance, they facilitate the concept of searching and gathering useful information as well as being at our disposal at every circumstances.
    On the whole, I believe that using technology to educate our society should be our primor option unless we use it responsably and consciously.

    Tomás Santos "Calhau" Moreira nº27 10ºC
    Boas festas

  27. Like everything else, technology also has advantages and disadvantages. The main positive aspects of technology is the ease of discovering new things and always being "attentive" to everything. The big problem of technologies is the distance that causes among people because it makes them often addicted to games. If the technology is used in an attentive and responsible way it can have many things Pedro Semeão N:22 10ºC

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