September 17, 2016

The Tower of Babel

The Tower of Babel (Hebrew: מגדל בבל‎ Migdal Bavel Arabic: برج بابل‎ Burj Babil) is a structure featured in chapter 11 of the Book of Genesis, an enormous tower intended as the crowning achievement of the city of Babilu, the Akkadian name for Babylon. According to the biblical account, Babel was a city that united humanity, all speaking a single language and migrating from the east; it was the home city of the great king Nimrod, and the first city to be built after the Great Flood. The people decided their city should have a tower so immense that it would have "its top in the heavens." (וְרֹאשׁוֹ בַשָּׁמַיִם). However, the Tower of Babel was not built for the worship and praise of God, but was dedicated to the glory of man, with a motive of making a 'name' for the builders "Then they said, 'Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves; otherwise we shall be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.'" - Genesis 11:4. God seeing what the people were doing, gave each person a different language to confuse them and scattered the people throughout the earth.

Babel is the Hebrew equivalent of Akkadian Babilu (Greek Babylon), a cosmopolitan city typified by a confusion of languages.[1] The Tower of Babel has often been associated with known structures, notably the Etemenanki, the ziggurat to Marduk, by Nabopolassar (610s BC). A Sumerian view of this story is preserved in Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta.


  1. Up today it's unknown if Tower of Babel existed or not. This is said in Genisis and at this time it was spoken the same language around the world. Men decided to build a tower, which top reached heaven in order to reach Gods' World. Those didn't like and destroyed it. They diffused all men around the world and gave to each one a different language for falling out between them and didn't achieve their goal.

    Personally, I think men were proud by think that could interfere with something unachievable like Gods. They were ambicious by building something so big that even according to science were impossible to remain standing. They were vain by giving the name of their empire to something so huge as Tower of Babel.

    Briefly, i think this text is important to show that is important to know our own limits.

    Joana Catarino
    10ªC Nª13

  2. This text talking us about un big tower of Babel what stay in Babilu (Babylon).

    Babylon it was the weath of the king Nimrod, when everyone talking one just language.

    One day decide to build one tower in the top would be heaven, buth the construction the Tower of Babel wouldn't be a tribute the God, buth yes the man.

    God realized what was happening, he made everyone mans talking languages diferents for the confusing and separed for every world.

    In my opinion this text shows the man think high the more in construction the larger tower up o heaven and the God show that same the man given them languagues diferents each puttinh them, each one parts diferents of the world.

    Patrícia Conceição
    10ºC Nº19

  3. The tower of Babel was built to cach up to god when was only one language in the world. However god was upset with the men for wanting to reach the kingdom of God and he made a storm with strong winds to destroy the tower, spreading so the languages around the world.
    This is a fantasy story to explain the reason
    for the variety of languages ​​in the world.
    In my opinion this text shows us the power of the mans and God and it`s an idea of ​​how there can be so many languages ​​in the world.
    Ana Costa
    Nº2 10ºC

  4. The tower of Babel is one of the more intriguing histories of the humanity.The men wanted to build one tower so high that it would have "its top in the heavens".God didn´t like the attitude of men and therefore He decided to give one different language to every single person to confuse them. In addition to this mythical explanation, the tale would serve to clarify the reason why there are so many languages in the world.
    In my opinion this history show us that the greed of men is punished by God. Not just in this case but in every moment of our lives.
    In short, I think that people should look to each other as equals and not trying to be better that anyone, don´t even God.
    Mariana Fernandes
    Nº16 10ºC

  5. The Tower of Babel was built when there was a big flood and God commanded the people to began to populate and fill the earth. There was just one language and they built a city and then a great tower. But not for God, for themselves, because they wanted to touch the sky. They choose to settle in one spot disobeying God's commanded to fill the earth. So, God mixed up their language and they couldn't understand each other and then God scattered them over the whole earth. In my opinion, this is a religious text that shows us a little of why there are so many languages in the world.

    Inês Jesus
    Nº10 10ºC

  6. This text talks about a city (Babel) that joined humamidade, after a great flood and give people think of costruir a tower in glory to man and not God.
    God did not like and gave a different language every people and spread them all over the world.
    and thus they formed the different languages ​​in the world.
    Rita Carvalhana
    Nº24 10ºC

  7. The tower of babel is a etiological myth from the first book Genesis that is meant to explain the origin of different languages.
    Acording to the story everyone at the time spoke the same language and the ones that migrated east, settled in the land of Shinar that was the home city of the king Nimrod. When they got there they decided that they would built a tower so immense that it would have her top in heaven, that wasn't built to praise God or for the workship, and when God saw what they were doing gave a diffrent language to everyone and spread them around the world.
    In my opinian this text show us the power associated to God can never be equated with humansand sometimes a lack of humility can lead to everything we knew end.

    Angélica Moita
    10ºC / nº4

  8. The Tower of Babel all speaking a single language, the home city of the great King Nimrod and the first city to be built after the great flood. The people decided their city should have a tower so immense that it would have "its top in céus.esta tower was not built for the worship of God, but the glory of man. God made each person had a different language to conflated them throughout the world.
    my opinion this city to have different languages makes new people meet and learn different religions, cultures and traditions.

  9. According at the bilical account Babel was a city that united humanity and all the people speaking just one laguage.Babel is the first city to be built after Great Flood, and the people decided have the tower that "it´s top in the heavens" dedicated to the glory of man. God don´t liked that people were doing,so gave each person a different language and spread than around the world.

    In my opinion thi history teachs that anyone is better anyone, and the spread the people around the world was a very important for having the different languages in world.

    Ana Marques,nº3,10ºC

  10. The Tower of Babel is an etiological myth and it's meant to explain the origin of the languages as we know them.After th e Great Flood citizens generations that spoke only one language they all agreed a city and and a tower to reach the heavens. But God dind't like this thought and decided gave each person a different language and scattered people throughout the Earth.
    My opinion is that God's greed made all languages and countries as we know them
    Rodrigo Bento nº26 10ºC

  11. The Tower of Babel it´s a cristian myth that attempts to explain the variety of the languages.
    this tower is a tower so big that is roff top is on sky.
    God didin´t like this tower because the meaning of this contruction his to gloryfy Man so to stop that contruction god create languages to confuse the man.
    my opinian about that is I don´t believe that because languages evolved from the anciet people to try comunicate better and diferent languages come from different people.
    O seu Aluno favorito: Manuel Soares nº14

  12. Great History with a Big Content.
    The Tower of Babel talks about the ours ancestors that have exist a huge tower who touchs the sky. If did exist or not, we don`t know.
    According to the Biblical account, it was the first city to be built after the Great Flood, who belonged to the king Nimrod. A city that united humanity, whose everyone talks the same language.
    It was build to dedicate the glory of man, located in the city of Babilu.
    Personally I think the Tower of Babel show us that the human can do everything and break the limits.

    Nuno Monteiro ; nº 18 ; 10ºC

  13. The tale tell us that in the genesis an entire city spoke a single language and they decided to make a tower, the tower of babel.The motive of the tower was making a name for the builders. God realized the reason of the building and he gave each person a language. Then they had to stop the tower`s construction because people couldn't communicate. For that reason the city named babel,babel means confusion, and god make a confusion of languages for they stop making the tower.
    To me this history shows us that god is under everything or everyone. And that was the reason why the construction finished.

  14. Babel was a city where people spoke a single language.One day, they decided to build a tower. The reason of the construction was making a name for the builders.But god realized the purpose of the tower and he gave each person a language to they couldn't communicate.So the construction finished .
    To me, this history tell us that god is under everything. And we cannot be so ambitious.
    guilherme caetano N9 10C

  15. The story of the Tower of Babel is the most mysterious story of the world, which according to the Bible was built by the descendants of Noah, after the flood, at the time when the world spoke only one language. They wanted the Tower of Babel reaches to the sky, but according to the Bible God doesn´t like the idea and dropped it, causing a great wind, spreading people all over the world with different languages.
    In my opinion, the mythical story of the Tower of Babel is a religious explanation for the existence of different languages in the world and for people to believe that everything that happens was and is under the power of God and that nothing is by chance, may or may not be true as so many other existing myths.
    Gabriel Figueiredo Nº8 10ºC

  16. Regarding the information provided in the text, it helped us to acquire more knowledge about ancient cultures and to understand the history behind the Tower of Babel. Although this is an etiological myth, it is a viable theory to explain the origin of different languages.
    According to the book of Genesis, the world´s population only spoke one language, which facilitated their comunication. As they began to migrate east due to the Great Flood, they settled in the city of Babel, which became the first one to be built after this unfortonate catastrophe.
    There, they decided to construct a skyscraping tower, designed to "reach to the heaven" in order to symbolize the greatness of the citizens and to prevent them from being scattered.
    After witnessing this occurrence, God reached the conclusion that this stairway would only lead the people away from him, so he confounded their language and scattered them over the face of the earth. As a result, the tower was never built. This is why it is named "Tower of Babel", since "Babel" means confusion.
    To conclude, I believe this story confirms that we should respect our religion and be more humble or we will face the consequences.

    Tomás Santos Moreira (mais conhecido por "Calhau") nº27 10ºC

  17. The story of the Tower of Babel is believed by many people to be the record of a real historical event that took place after the worldwide flood. The descendants of Noah all spoke a single language and they still lived together in one place, Babylon. They decided to build a tower that would reach to heaven, Babel meant "gateway to God" . Since they already spoke the same language, now they would be building the tower together.

    However, God was not so pleased...

    God decided to destroy their arrogance by destroying their ability to understand one another, causing them to speak different languages so they would not understand each other. If people could not communicate with each other, they could hardly cooperate with each other. When men could no longer understand each other, there was finally no alternative for them but to split.

    When this happened, people migrated in different directions and settled in all parts of the world. It's the world we know nowadays.

    I think that like any story, the Tower of Babel has a moral, it speaks about pride and arrogance, men think they are wiser than God. As a consequence they were punished.
    When the people starting building the tower of Babel, Babel meant "gateway to God" but after God mixed up their language it meant "confusion".
    Even the word "babble" that is used today came from that day when everyone was babbling with confusion!

    Pedro Silva
    Nº 21, 10º C

  18. Tower of babel it´s an etiological myth ritten on Jewish Tanakh´s first book genesis. It meant to explain the first aperiance of the different languages.
    The tower of babel was original built to glorify man and not to praise God or for worship. After that God found out the purpose of the construction of Tower of Babel and to punish them speread all over the world and every single one with a different language.
    In my opinion the God has the power of everything and hummans can never be equated to him.
    Adriana Verde nº1 10ºC

  19. Babel was a city that united humanity, all speaking a single language and migrating from the east.
    People there decided their city should have a enormous tower that would have "it's top in the heavens".
    But the tower that they called Tower of Babel was not built for the worship and praise of God, but was dedicated to the glory of man, with the reason of making a "name" for the builders.
    Then God didn't liked their thoughts and gave each person a different language to confuse them and scattered the people throughout the earth.
    In my opinion, this history tells us how people are spread around the world, even though I think it's not real.
    Inês Fernandes Nº11 10ºC

  20. The text explains how spread the various languages in the world.
      People wanted to build a tower to touch the sky, not to honor God but to man, then God gave a different language to each person and he spread them around the world.
    I think God punished them for not being humble and wanting to invest in a tower that would not help anyone, it was just for themselves.

    Daniela Louro nº5 10ºc

  21. I found it interesting. The story of the Babel Tower. An interesting and curious story.
    It is an Near Estern etiological myth, that basically talks about a group of people that before the diverse languages appear moved to east.
    The tower althought that it was built way before the egyptian time, the method used was pretty similar.
    I loved this quote, and I admire what transmits to myself: «"Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves; otherwise we shall be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth"».

    Rita Matias, n25, 10C

  22. This text tries to explain in a religuous persepesctive the origian of the different languages. Acording to this story fram a Baible it was God who created the different languages to confuse men.
    It also shous man"s need of personal glory and this does not please god . In my opinion this text shous the importance of a global language. That helps people communicaete. If there is a global language, people can cooperate because they understand lach other.
    As we can see in the text and in the picture, the Babel Tower was not compleate because the builders spoke different languages and the did not understande lach other.
    Elaborate per: Pedro Pragosa Nº23 10ºC

  23. This text tries to explain in a religuous persepesctive the origian of the different languages. Acording to this story fram a Baible it was God who created the different languages to confuse men.
    It also shous man"s need of personal glory and this does not please god . In my opinion this text shous the importance of a global language. That helps people communicaete. If there is a global language, people can cooperate because they understand lach other.
    As we can see in the text and in the picture, the Babel Tower was not compleate because the builders spoke different languages and the did not understande lach other.
    Elaborate per: Pedro Pragosa Nº23 10ºC

  24. This text trier to explain in a religous persepective the origin of the different languages. According tho this story fram a Baible it was God who created the different languages to confuse men.
    Is also shous man´s need of personal glory and this doesn´t please God. In my opinion this text shous the importance of a global language . That helps people communicaete. If there is a global language, people can cooperate because they understand lach other.
    As we can see in the text and in the picture, the Babel Tower wasn´t complete because the builders spoke different languages and they didn´t understand lach other.
    Prepared by:Pedro Pragosa nº23 10ºC
